My GoalsWatch This section enables you to keep track of all your key goals and subtasks. If a goal or subtask is assigned to you, be sure to accept or modify it to ensure accountability. You may add unlimited subtasks by goal and also track issues related to each goal. Make sure your Goals are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely (SMART).
Assigned/Monitored GoalsWatch This section allows you to monitor the progress on goals or subtasks you have assigned to others. If another user designated you as a person to "Keep informed" on their goals or subtasks those will appear here as well.
Update & ReviewWatch Enables you to share your progress on key goals with your direct manager so they may evaluate your progress. If you are a manager, you may also review the progress of other's goals if permitted.
Off-TrackWatch This function shows goals that are off-track or past due so that you may focus on completing them.
ChartsWatch This function displays a graphical view of the progress of each goal.